RHCP Scar Tissue Bass Jam V1 daniB5000

What's up, everybody! Here's a little bass jam I recorded a few weeks ago - somewhat of a tribute to Scar Tissue and to the huge influence Flea's bass playing has had on me over the years. The first part of the jam is obviously Flea's part from the original song's chorus. But the rest of it is completely off the bat - I just went for it. Totally improvised, no rehearsals. It's not perfect, but I had an amazing time jamming along to this track. It felt to me like all the years of playing and listening to Flea just flowed through my fingers. The track was created by Tomas Sandanus right here on YouTube. Check out his channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGNbYBYS5mXOSn5BMhIW0zQ
This is version one of the jam. I'll be uploading V2, which was my second attempt, a more 'warmed up' one if you will, this weekend.
I hope this turned out to be enjoyable and exciting for you guys. Let me know what you think!
Rock on, guys!
